You guys, I love Buzzfeed’s Holiday Gift Guides, but they don't have a list of gifts for side hustlers!
No worries, Buzzfeed. I've done the work for you! Today (and in the middle of the night when I couldn't go back to sleep after my puppy woke me up at 3AM) I put together a list of all the things that the entrepreneur, side hustler, freelancer, solopreneur, girl boss in your life would LOVE to have. Wanna know how I know? Because I own 90% of these gifts for side hustlers!
I hope you enjoy my Side Hustler Gift Guide, and if you see something you like, share it out on social media with a not-so-subtle hint to your friends and family with the items that are on your list!
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1) These pens that give you a little pep talk when that imposter syndrome starts to creep in.
2) This color-changing light box so they can put messages up behind them during their live-streams.
3) Extra letters for their color changing light box so they don’t have to be creative with their $pelling.
4) This coffee mug that tells everyone who they’re talking to.
5) This coffee mug they can start to use at the office after they’ve put your notice in, so people stop asking you why they’re leaving…
6) This 6-subject notebook that is super-high quality and heavy duty, and capable of keeping their master plan for world domination organized.
7) These pretty 3-ring binders to keep their book proposal organized and to be the home of the next item on this list:
8) This $10 planner is the most amazing one I’ve ever come across to help your favorite side-hustler plan each and every week out in detail.
Which if they’re going to ever take their side hustle serious, they’re gonna need to take the time to do. Unfortunately it doesn’t come printed anymore, but I bought the 2018 digital version, and I’m printing it and putting in a pretty binder. I might even get it professionally bound, I mean, it’s that awesome.
9) This reversible dry erase 2018 wall calendar so your favorite solopreneur can see what they’ve got going on the next 6 months as they plan world domination…
10) This dry erase daily calendar so that your entrepreneurial BFF can create a daily schedule at a glance, also known as BOUNDARIES.
11) And these dry erase markers in pretty colors, not just so your freelancing friend doesn’t feel like they’re still at the office, but also to help them color code their master plan:
12) This book to help your wantrepreneurial family member turn that idea that’s been hanging out in the back of their mind into a side hustle. 
You know, it's that thing they talk about all the time but they’ve been putting off because it’s not the right time or whatever lie they’ve told themselves about not chasing their dream…into a legit side hustle.
13) This book for your favorite entrepreneur so they get an awesome surprise in their mailbox in April to help them “DO THE WORK.”
14) Pick up this like, really pretty file organizer for your favorite girl boss so they can keep all their paperwork tucked away and make their office look Instagram-worthy.
15) For when your favorite solopreneur starts to get a little lonely working from home all day, and you’re not there to remind them…
16) And when your favorite side-hustler starts to feel a little overwhelmed with balancing their full-time job with their side-hustle, they get a little confidence booster.
17) This book will help your day-job hating friends turn their expertise into income:
18) This “gadget” will get you some major brownie points with your favorite entrepreneur.
This is more than just a phone to someone that’s building an online business, it’s like the rocketfuel that’s going to make everything go faster for them. They’ll be able to take amazing pictures for their blog and Instagram, their livestreams will be crisper than ever before, and Siri is better than ever. She schedules all my appointments, does math for me and opens up my audiobooks and podcasts while I’m driving. I haven’t even scratched the surface of what this little pocket-sized powerhouse can do, but if you’re favorite freelancer is serious about creating awesome content for their business and you want to help them get there, this is totally worth it.
19) The ultimate gift for the location-independent entrepreneur (whether that’s working at the beach or from your local Starbucks).
It’s been love at first sight with me and my 15-inch MacBook Pro since I bought it from the proceeds of my first freelance web design gig 4 years ago. Ask my husband, I don’t let the thing out of my sight. It’s fast, lightweight and keeps a charge for-ev-ver. Part of my day job is IT for about 25 people that use Windows, and let me tell you, it’s night and day. So if you’re wanting a new computer this Christmas, don’t skimp on something that will be slow and clunky in two years, get the engine that’s going to run your biz for years to come.
20) This is the ultimate side-hustler gift. This isn’t a gift of gourmet food, this is the gift of TIME.
Three meals a week picked out for your side-hustling friend or family member who’s working full time and running an entire business on the side. Less trips to the grocery store, less time planning and preparing meals – and not to mention that the food is amazing. If someone you love is building their empire and you want to support them, subscribing to a weekly Blue Apron box is the way to go.
21) To give your loved one even more time to put into building their online business, give the gift of an Amazon Prime Subscription.
It's something many people won’t splurge on themselves, but an entire year of free shipping on Prime products makes it super easy for your side-hustler to order everything they can think of online instead of having to make cumbersome trips to the store. From office supplies to toilet paper, this subscription will give them untold hours to build their empire.
I hope you enjoyed my Side Hustler Holiday gift guide, and if you see something you like, share it out on social media with a not-so-subtle hint to your friends and family with the items that are on your list!