Ep. 64: Progress, Not Perfection

So my former side hustle – now my full-time gig – is teaching side hustlers and entrepreneurs how to build their own website.

And while I see lots of people succeeding in building their website and getting their side hustle off the ground, I also see a lot of people who just get stuck.

And it’s not because they aren’t clear on their side hustle idea or that they get stuck on the tech.

It’s that they can’t get this one thing to look exactly how they want it. Or they have to have this one thing completely 100% ready before they will put themselves out there.

It has to be perfect before they will even start. Before they will risk making it public and risk hearing what others think about it.

And I totally get it! It’s scary to put yourself out there, and if I’m being 100% honest, I still feel weird thinking about people that I know in real life listening to these podcast episodes or reading my blog.

And it’s because I just want everyone to like me, right? It’s because I care what people think about me, and I don’t want to come off as some smarty pants know-it-all – which totally stems from some childhood experiences which if you want to know more about that you can go listen to Episode 44.

But here’s the thing – no one will know it’s not perfect except for you!

You know how when you’re planning any big event and you know every single detail and you know the timing and the schedule and how it’s all supposed to go?

I used to be in charge of planning this big 400 person, 4-day event at my day job – and I don’t care how much planning we put into it – the things we thought we perfect, people complained about, and the things we knew got messed up, no one noticed!

Or have you ever talked to someone about their wedding that you went to, and they tell you all the things that didn’t go right, and you’re thinking, wow, I didn’t even notice?

I don’t know, maybe that’s just me – but the point is – YOU are the only one that’s holding this super high unattainable standard of perfection over yourself that’s preventing you from getting started!

Yes, you might be hustling your butt off, but if no one ever gets to see it, it’s like you’re not really doing anything.

So at some point, good enough has to be good enough and you have to release your website to the public and start getting traffic and building an email list and listening to people who care more about your message that if the spacing on your website is off.

Yes, you want to put your best foot forward, but you actually have to take a step in order to do that! If you really can solve someone’s problem, like, really and truly, it doesn’t matter if your website isn’t perfect.

So if you’ve listened to any of my pep talks, you know that my weight has been a lifelong struggle. And it’s a problem that I’m constantly searching for solutions for, and one desperate night I was once again searching for the answer online and I came across a website that was life-changing for me! Was that website perfect? No, far from it actually. But the woman behind it did her best to get something out there because she knew she could help people. I made a significant investment to do group coaching with her and the skills I learned have just been a game changer for how I think and react in my life. A lot of it inspires these pep talks.

But what if she hadn’t put her business out there because she couldn’t get her logo to look crisp, or that line spacing just right. I don’t know where I’d be right now had we not crossed paths, I might be even 40 pounds heavier at a day job that I hate.

So the point is, you gotta let that perfectionism go, and start now!

When I first started my business, to build my list and create content for my blog I would interview entrepreneurs who built their own websites, and I asked them a bunch of questions about that experience, but my favorite question that I asked them was:

What advice would you give someone that is starting their own business?

And they all said a variation of the same thing. Here are just some of their answers:

  • I see too many people and clients who are putting off their business until everything is perfect.
  • People are scared of success more than failure. So they often don’t do what they need to.
  • Just do it. There are a billion reasons why it’ll be difficult or seem impossible. But even masters were beginners at some point.
  • Put your doubts aside and GO FOR IT!  You wouldn’t have the dream in your heart if you weren’t born with the talent to make the dream come true. Believe in yourself!
  • Don’t let fear hold you back and don’t settle for a job that’s just okay.
  • JUST DO IT. It’s easier than you think. All you really need is the will, the commitment, and the drive to keep it going and make it happen.
  • Do it, and do it now.  When you dissect the reasons folks give for delaying the start of their business, you find fear. Don’t let the fear stop you.

There you have it! You don’t need to spend hours tweaking your website, or waiting until everything is perfect. Start with what you have and know RIGHT NOW.

Your business should evolve as you gain experience through trying, failing, tweaking, and trying again. Eventually, you’ll figure out what works. If you wait for perfection, BFF, you’ll be waiting forever.

Today’s pep talk is brought to you by Bluehost. Go to www.shannonmattern.com/bluehost and get 36 months of web hosting for just $2.95 a month. That’s less than one trip to Starbucks a month – and if you’re anything like me, you’re at Starbucks more than that!

Then you can sign up for my Free 5 Day Website Challenge at www.shannonmattern.com/5day and I’ll show you step by step how to get started building your new website for your side hustle.