Ep. 70: Interview with Michele Bobrow, Part 2

Michele Bobrow of the Holistic Wallet is a financial coach for creative executive women to sustain great financial habits and use their money to create the lives that they love.

Join us as we talk about:

  • What tactics she used to build a QUALITY email list.
  • What works for Michele in marketing her business.
  • Michele’s tech evolution and her quest for the perfect membership site.
  • How important your web design is to the success of your online business.
  • What tool she’s using for her membership site.
  • A starter online membership plugin for side hustlers on a budget.
  • The platform Michele is using now for the Holistic Wealth School.

And be sure to check out the Holistic Wealth School here!

Today’s pep talk is brought to you by Bluehost. Go to www.shannonmattern.com/bluehost and get 36 months of web hosting for just $2.95 a month. That’s less than one trip to Starbucks a month – and if you’re anything like me, you’re at Starbucks more than that!

Then you can sign up for my Free 5 Day Website Challenge at www.shannonmattern.com/5day and I’ll show you step by step how to get started building your new website for your side hustle.