Ep. 72: Two Things That Make Consistency Easy

Today we’re talking about two things that make incorporating consistency into your life a breeze.

So the first thing we’re going to talk about, I like to think about as the first domino in a line of dominoes, when you do the first thing, when you tip that one domino over, all the other dominoes fall effortlessly.

So what is that one thing?


In episode 71, I shared with you how I break down my day, but just because I put something on my to-do list for the day does not mean that it’s humanly possible to get it done. And in epsiode 58 I take you even deeper into that planning process, so you can go back and listen to that episode.

Being more strategic with my time and planning is something that is a must if you want to build the kind of momentum in your business that’s going to let you turn it into a full-time gig.

And here’s something that it took me a very long time to learn – a to-do list is not a plan.

If you’re anything like me, you put like 25 items on my to-do list and try to fit them all into a single day and then feel like I got nothing important done that I really needed to get done even though I was “working.”

Treading water.

It is so important to plan and prioritize tasks that are going to actually move your business forward instead of keep you busy, but in the same place.

I have pre-scheduled planning days every week, month, quarter, and year so I can look at my schedule and plan out the work instead of just floating wherever the current takes me.

That’s like setting up the first domino, and then all the other dominos get knocked down as I execute the plan.

But what if I spaced the dominos too far apart, and one falls without knocking the next one over?

That’s how I like to think about boundaries – as making sure all my dominoes are spacing just the right distance apart and I don’t let anything or anyone – come in and move them.


Just because I have a schedule and a plan doesn’t mean I won’t have a people-pleasing moment of weakness and put someone else’s priorities and deadlines above my own.

If you want to know my kryptonite, just tell me you need my help right now and that no one else could possibly fix this urgent problem for you.

My adrenaline goes up, my stress level rises, and I start thinking about how I’m going to fit your problem into my schedule.

Oh, I can write that blog post tomorrow, and then I’ll just tell my husband I’ll be late and he needs to pick up the dog from day care, and then I’ll just pick up Chipotle on my way home because now I don’t feel like cooking…

I just want you to LIKE me and think I’m NICE and sooooo HELPFUL!!

Meanwhile, everything else starts falling apart. But hey, you like me, so…

Clearly I need some therapy around this issue, but for now, business-coaching is helping tremendously for setting boundaries.

I still need lots and lots of practice, so if you want to help me out, leave me a comment asking me to solve your urgent problem, and I’ll practice my boundary-setting responses ????


When you create a schedule and plan out your tasks in proportion to your schedule and then guard that time with your life, you’re able to consistently do the things you need to do to build and amplify your relationships.

But it all starts with a SCHEDULE. Boundaries mean nothing if you having nothing to guard, and your plan is just a wish-list if you have no real time set aside to execute.

So now, it’s time to make a decision to actually pull out a piece of paper, write down a realistic schedule that will allow you time to relationship build and amplify and then commit to it for just one week.

And when I say realistic, first, I recommend that you decide when you will work, then write down all the tasks you have to do, use your best guess on how long each task will take, and then double that time and put it on your schedule. It might look a little light, but it’s probably more realistic.

And then try it for one week! Because after that if something’s not working for you, you can make adjustments and try again.


The first is from my business coach, Vicki Fitch and it’s called the Rockstar Guide to Getting It Done. It will give you a step by step strategy for creating your schedule and planning and getting it all done.

Then second is Kerryn Hewson, a systems and productivity strategist who has helped me systematize my web design process. She talks about focus and productivity and time management over at https://www.kerrynhewson.com/time-workshop – get on her list and you’ll get it together in no time!

Next week, I’m going to share with you one more strategy, the one that’s going to give you the A-HA moment you need to turn all this consistency into cash.

Today’s pep talk is brought to you by Bluehost. Go to www.shannonmattern.com/bluehost and get 36 months of web hosting for just $2.95 a month. That’s less than one trip to Starbucks a month – and if you’re anything like me, you’re at Starbucks more than that!

Then you can sign up for my Free 5 Day Website Challenge at www.shannonmattern.com/5day and I’ll show you step by step how to get started building your new website for your side hustle.