Ep. 14: Why It’s Important to Be a Great Employee While Side Hustling

Today we’re talking about how being a great employee at your day job can be a huge benefit to your side hustle.

So if you’re a normal human being, there are days when you’re at work and you’re just not feeling it. It’s hard to stay focused and be productive, and you’re just distracted.

And that’s totally normal. Everyone goes through that from time to time, whether we’ve got something going on in our personal life, maybe we didn’t sleep well, whatever.

But it becomes a problem when we find that our performance is dragging more often than not.

That can happen when we don’t like what we do for a living. Maybe we have a stressful work environment, maybe we don’t gel with the people we work with. Maybe the work we get paid to do isn’t aligned with our core genius.

Maybe we have a side hustle and it’s more exciting than our day job.

I experienced all of those things at one time or another.

I don’t know any other way to say this other than to just say it, but that’s life.

When we have a mortgage and a car payment and a family and financial responsibilities, we don’t always get to love what we do to earn a paycheck.

But the good news is, that you can change it.

Working at a job that you don’t love is not life sentence, and you have a choice. You can earn a living doing something that you love to do for people that you love to work with. It’s totally possible!

No, I don’t want you to walk into your boss’s office and peace out with a two week notice. In fact, I want you to keep your day job. Yep, you heard that right. I want you to keep your day job while you build your side hustle.

And if you’re one of those people like I was who dreading going into work every day, then I’d like you to consider changing how you feel about your day job first, and commit to becoming the best employee you can be.

Here’s why:

First, when you’re an awesome employee, you put yourself in a better position to negotiate flexible work arrangements that will give you more focused time to work on your side hustle.

When you have a bad attitude and your performance is suffering and you walk into your boss’s office to ask if you can shift your schedule by a couple hours so that you have more time in the mornings to work on your side hustle, what do you think the answer is going to be?

But if you’re a team player who brings positivity and solution-oriented thinking to your job, you’re more likely to get a yes.

Second, when you have a positive attitude at work, you have more energy to work on your side hustle outside of work. If you’re stressed out and gloomy all day, when you get home, you’re totally drained. You just don’t have the energy to work on your side hustle.

Finally, when you get used to operating from a place of stress and negativity, you can’t just escape it by swapping out one job for another, even if the new one is your side hustle. Because the same negative thought patterns can poison your love for your side hustle faster than you might expect.

I want you to get to the place where you love your job AND you love your side hustle because then, anything is possible. And in future pep talks, I’m going to give you some actionable steps you can take to fall back in love with your day job.

Show Notes:

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