Ep. 144: Authenticity and Profit First in Your Side Hustle with Naomi Mdudu of The Lifestyle Edit

Today I’m bringing you Naomi Mdudu of The Lifestyle Edit, an online space to spark real, candid conversations amongst creative female founders.

It’s the mission of Naomi through the Lifestyle Edit to leverage her unique access to successful entrepreneurial women and give them a platform to pay it forward and share the strategies behind their success.

Through her podcast and website, Naomi reaches hundreds of thousands of women to give them inspiration, action steps and support on everything from visibility, marketing, and branding to advice on getting into a state of flow and tips on how to cultivate a growth mindset.

  • How Naomi’s dream job on paper as a fashion editor for a London newspaper turned out not to set her soul on fire.
  • How the glorification of success, inspiration and only showing the highlight reel hides the hard work and strategy we need to learn to reach our own level of success.
  • How Naomi went from newspaper fashion editor to starting TLE Studio where she provided one on one consulting, to pivoting to helping creative female founders create a sustainable business.
  • Why what got you where you are now will not get you to the next level.
  • Why we as leaders need to remove the veil and share our mistakes and lessons.
  • How the book Profit First transformed mine and Naomi’s businesses.
  • Why grit can only take you so far in your new business.
  • How Naomi walked through the decision to leave her full-time job to start TLE Studio.

Hear more from Naomi at The Lifestyle Edit newsletter, join TLE Accountability Circle, and apply here for a coaching discovery call.

You can find Naomi at:


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