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Don’t wait for perfection, it’s a myth.

One of my favorite parts about starting WP*BFF, aside from getting to help a bunch of awesome people, are the super smart and classy people I'm meeting through my Women to Watch series.

I ask everyone the same series of questions and I'm getting so many insightful answers. But EVERY SINGLE PERSON I've talked to has answered this question the same way:

What advice would you give someone that is starting their own business?

Here are their answers:

  • Start now! I see too many people and clients who are putting off their business until everything is perfect.
  • People are scared of success more than failure. So they often don’t do what they need to.
  • Just do it. There are a billion reasons why it’ll be difficult or seem impossible. But even masters were beginners at some point.
  • Put your doubts aside and GO FOR IT!  You wouldn’t have the dream in your heart if you weren’t born with the talent to make the dream come true. Believe in yourself!
  • Don’t let fear hold you back and don’t settle for a job that's just okay.
  • JUST DO IT. It’s easier than you think. All you really need is the will, the commitment, and the drive to keep it going and make it happen.
  • Do it, and do it now.  When you dissect the reasons folks give for delaying the start of their business, you find fear. Don’t let the fear stop you.

There you have it! You don't need to spend hours tweaking your website, or waiting until everything is perfect. Start with what you have and know RIGHT NOW.

Your business should evolve as you gain experience through trying, failing, tweaking, and trying again. Eventually you'll figure out what works. If you wait for perfection, BFF, you'll be waiting forever.