Ep. 309: Becoming Unhackable with Kary Oberbrunner

Becoming Unhackable with Kary Oberbrunner

If you’re anything like me when I first started my side hustle, you might have found yourself thinking… “I already have so much to do, how am I gonna find the time to build my business too?”

But then I looked at how I was spending my time.

Waking up at 7AM and lazily watching Bravo reality TV as I slowly got ready to drag myself into a day job that I hated. Leaving for work at the last minute and trying to come home as early as possible just like everyone else, which had me sitting in rush hour traffic. Binge-watching Netflix after dinner and on lazy weekend days. Scrolling Facebook in my spare moments to see what my old high school friends were up to. Never planning ahead, always reacting to circumstances around me.

And I wished my life was different. I wished I made more money, doing something that I actually loved, that I worked from home and had more freedom.

I might have felt busy at work… but outside of work I had plenty of opportunities to work on my dream.

But I’d let myself get hacked.

And exactly what this week’s guest is here to talk about. How we let our lives get hacked, how we pay for all the “free” things we spend our time on with our attention, and how it’s stealing our dreams from us.

Kary Oberbrunner is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals and organizations clarify who they are, why they're here, and where they're going so they can share their message with the world.

And he’s here today to show us how to become Unhackable so that we can succeed in business and life.

Everything Kary talks about is so impactful and powerful.

If you love this episode, which I know you will, be sure to check out Kary’s brand new book, Unhackable, coming out this Saturday, October 24th!

Kary and I talk about:

  • Kary’s journey as a pastor, to side hustler, to author and publisher
  • Kary’s powerful lessons on failure
  • Why you should break down your projects into smaller steps
  • Important questions you should start asking yourself
  • The one belief Kary had to change about himself to get where he is today

My favorite quotes from Kary:

  • “I believe we were all meant for a great purpose”
  • “When you get hacked, that means you get distracted, you get diverted”
  • “The fuel to become unhackable is enthusiasm”


Kary Oberbrunner is an author, coach, and speaker who helps individuals and organizations clarify who they are, why they're here, and where they're going so they can become souls on fire, experience unhackability, and share their message with the world. As a child and young adult, Kary overcame a paralyzing speech disorder and an addiction to self-injury. In the past twenty years, he’s ignited over one million people with his content. He lives in Ohio with his wife, Kelly, and three children.

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