Ep. 3: Freedom and Your Side Hustle

This week we’re talking about whether or not you should start a side hustle, and today’s topic is freedom.

So, what does freedom mean to you?

Depending on your answer, a side hustle may or may not be right for you!

When it comes to freedom, it’s meant different things to me over the years.

When I turned 16, freedom meant working at the ice cream shop as much as I possibly could to save enough money to buy a car – to drive myself to school and to work!

For most of my life, freedom meant having a job so that I could afford a car and rent.

I had security. I didn’t have to worry about where my next paycheck was coming from. I could take comfort in a predictable work schedule, be responsible and follow all the corporate rules and be corporate Shannon when I was on the clock, and then let loose and be myself on my own time.

And then in my mid-thirties, something changed.

Money didn’t feel like freedom anymore. I wanted to do something that mattered. I wanted to be in control of my time. I wanted to decide how much money I earned. I wanted to choose what I wore each day, and feel like I could be myself every day.

Suddenly the money wasn’t the most important thing anymore.

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I was willing to take the risk of an inconsistent income that only I was responsible for generating, instead of a guaranteed steady paycheck.

So if you like the security of a steady paycheck and the predictability of a traditional day job, but you also want some extra cash on the side, starting a side hustle that just stays a side hustle forever is totally an option.

And if you’re like me, and you’re willing to forego the security of a steady paycheck – in a very calculated, planned way, then a starting a side hustle that you can grow into a full time income is also an option.

Here’s the beautiful thing – you get to decide!!

Show Notes:

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