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Why I’m Leaving a 6-figure Day Job for my Side Hustle

I read tons of entrepreneurial books, listen to podcasts and read interviews about these people who have made it big, and the story always includes the protagonist losing their corporate job, being down to their last dime, homeless, living in their car when their big breakthrough happened, and now they’re a millionaire.

It't the classic rags to riches storyline.

Do I believe these stories?

Some yes, some no.

For the ones I believe, I always think, “Of course you took the big risk, you literally had nothing to lose!!

It's hard for me to relate sometimes.

Do you ever read about the girl who was making $100,000 a year at work but was so unhappy at her day job that she started a side hustle that brings in the same amount so she could quit?

No!! You don’t hear about her.

Because that’s not a good story.

If I’m leaving my six figure day job, you want to hear that it’s because I’m making multiple six figures, or even millions.

You want to hear that I hit the jackpot.

You don't want to hear that that I almost replaced my salary, didn’t quite make it but I believe that with the advantage of dedicated, focused time every day that I’ll not only hit but also exceed the mark in 2018.

Because why else would I leave behind $100,000?

I don’t know about where you live, but where I live, $100,000 is good money.

It will get you the American dream: house in the suburbs, 2-car garage, fenced-in backyard with a dog (which I love, by the way).

I don’t know of any role models out there for people like me.

People that want to break free of the myth that people aren’t supposed to love their jobs, that a job is a means to an end. It’s how you keep a roof over your head and fund your weekends and two weeks of vacation.

And that if you do love your job, it’s because you have a noble profession like nursing or teaching and it’s your calling. Or you love the people you work with even though your role isn’t your favorite. Or you like the status and power that comes with your title. Or maybe you’re just really, really lucky that you love what you do – and that’s amazing!! I’m super happy for you!!

So why am I leaving my 6-figure day job for my side hustle?

  • Because the older I get, the faster time seems to move and I feel like I’m wasting my life.
  • Because I sit in traffic for an hour a day that I could use to exercise.
  • Because I spend my time at work doing a job that is mentally and emotionally exhausting.
  • Because the actual physical space that I occupy at work is dreary and depressing.
  • Because I want to have a bigger impact on the world, and the corporate machine moves way too slow for me.
  • Because I’m not able to use my best talents at work.
  • Because I can reach more people and have a bigger impact on the world through teaching them how to reach more people and how to have a bigger impact.
  • Because I LOVE to teach people.
  • Because I love to inspire people.
  • Because I love to motivate people.
  • Because I love to show people that they are in control of their own destiny and that they get to decide all of it.
  • Because I want to make more money that I can make at my day job.
  • Because I want to decide what I do with my time every single day and not have it be decided for me.
  • Because FREEDOM.

I remember when I got my first real job and I realized that didn’t have to work on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I got totally misty-eyed.

I remember when I got my current job and I had 4 weeks of vacation. I couldn’t believe it! But even with 4 weeks, I still had a hard time using it all with the demands of my job.

I remember when we were given the ability to flex our time, meaning I could come in when I wanted to, leave when I wanted to and work from home at times.

Then, this year, we were told we could start wearing jeans to work. What??? You mean, I can wear whatever I want like a grown-up?

Freedom has meant more to me over my whole career than getting a raise or making more money.

And as I read what I just wrote and reflect on it I think… that’s kinda sad. That even though I’m a grown-ass woman, I’ve never really had total control over my destiny. My day job has had total control, and at the end of the day, they could cut me loose at any moment and then what?

So that’s why I’m leaving my 6-figure day job for my side hustle that will make at least 6 figures next year. And then multiple 6-figures after that.

So if you want what I want, stick with me. I won’t be your rags-to-riches role model, but I’ll be your day job-to-dream life role model!