Ep. 99: Synchronicity


So something happened to me the other day that felt pretty unbelievable/profound/strange. It’s hard for me to describe it, and it was so – I don’t know – WEIRD that I had to stop what I was doing, open up the voice memo app on my phone, and record what had just happened so that I could acknowledge it and remember for later.

In this audio, I’m walking my dog Scarlett (you can hear her panting in the background) but check this out:

I learned the term “synchronicity” last summer after listening to Gabrielle Bernstein’s book, The Universe has Your Back (affiliate link), on Audible.

I had just put in my notice at my day job, I was riddled with anxiety, and I was doing everything I could to distract myself from the fear and negative thoughts and coach myself through it. So at the time I listened, I hadn’t really paid attention to it and I never thought much about the book after.

Until this thing happened the other day, where I physically stumbled at the exact same moment Marie Forleo said the world stumble when talking about the huge success of author JK Rowling…

Why is that so important to me? Because for this first 6 months of self-employment, even though I have hustled my butt off, I had been majorly obsessing over one thing.


Having enough, making enough, paying myself, paying my taxes, cutting back expenses, changing pricing structure, increasing revenue, releasing my money blocks, cultivating a mindset of abundance. Money, money, money.

And it was feeling like everything I was doing just wasn’t WORKING to get me to where I wanted to be. It felt like a struggle, every single day, to make money.

So I just decided to let it go.

I went on vacation the first week in July and for the first time in 6 months, and if we’re being honest, 4 years, I wasn’t thinking about making money.

And it felt SO GOOD that I decided to just stop focusing on making money or saving money or spending money.

I’m building relationships and creating content and streamlining systems and doing this podcast…

So I Googled the word “synchronicity” and the definition is “the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.”

Gabby Bernstein calls synchronicity a sign from the universe.

In a blog post on Psychology Today, writer Gregg Levoy described a moment of synchronicity he experienced when he was contemplating quitting his job: Here’s what he said:

I was driving home from work one day, listening to a song on the radio called “Desperado,” by the Eagles, and as I pulled up to the curb in front of my house, the last line I heard before I turned off the car was “Don’t you draw the Queen of Diamonds, she’ll beat you if she’s able; the Queen of Hearts is always your best bet.” I turned off the ignition, opened the door, stepped my foot onto the curb, and there at my left foot was a playing card—the Queen of Hearts.

I just sat there utterly dumbfounded, and wondering, of course, what it meant?

When I mentioned the incident to a friend that evening, she said, with an extravagant quality of assuredness, that when you’re on the right path, the universe winks and nods at you from time to time, to let you know. She also said that once you start noticing these little cosmic cairns, once you understand that you’re on a path at all, you’ll begin to see them everywhere.

When I stumbled and didn’t fall at the exact same moment that Marie Forleo described JK Rowling stumbling her way to success, I took that as a sure sign that I’m on the right track, that I will achieve whatever I set out to achieve when I let go of the constant obsession with money and put my focus back on why I really started this business in the first place.

So what about you? Where have you noticed synchronicities or signs that you’re on the right track?

Today’s pep talk is brought to you by Bluehost. Go to www.shannonmattern.com/bluehost and get 36 months of web hosting for just $2.95 a month. That’s less than one trip to Starbucks a month – and if you’re anything like me, you’re at Starbucks more than that!

Then you can sign up for my Free 5 Day Website Challenge at www.shannonmattern.com/5day and I’ll show you step by step how to get started building your new website for your side hustle.