Ep. 94: May Income Report Part 1: Goals and Income Breakdown

Welcome to my May Income Report! Each month I publish an income report to take you behind the scenes of my #SideHustleGoneSerious and show you exactly how much I make, how much I spend and lessons learned along the way!

Important Things That Happened in May

I completely changed my work schedule around.

I began time-blocking my schedule.

I wrote my second income report that reviewed February.

I began estimating (and then doubling) the time on every single task before it was added to my schedule.

I had several client projects that I needed to close out and complete in early May.

I booked zero new clients in May.

I held webinars promoting Serious Side Hustlers, Websites That Make Money, and the Web Designer Academy resulting in no new sales.

Every single weekend we either had a camping trip planned or family coming into town.

In 2.5 weeks, I recorded, edited, produced, and uploaded 60 new videos for the 5 Day Website Challenge, redesigned the entire layout, built the online course with over 60 modules, created 120 graphics, wrote over 60 module descriptions and action items (and I only worked on Saturday mornings before everyone else got up). BOOM.

I perfected and documented my podcast publishing process to hand over to my VA team.

I posted a position description for a Project Manager in my Web Designer Academy Facebook group (which I ultimately did not fill as expected, more on that later).

My husband and I found four acres of land that we decided to make an offer on with the plan to build a house there in a couple of years.

Notes I found to myself in my planner:

“Protect your time this week, you gotta get the new 5 Day Challenge done” (Guess what? I didn’t protect my time. I pushed the 5DC out two weeks).

“I handed over the publishing of my Pep Talks for Side Hustlers, YAY!!!”

“When would you like to have that done? What’s your absolute deadline? Let me know and I’ll get you a proposal.

“Instead of ‘I can’t do that for you’ say ‘Here’s what I can do for you.’”

Review of My Goals

Again, my goal each month has been to generate $10,000 in revenue because my rough breakdown to replace my paycheck, cover business expenses and pay taxes is:

$5000 – Income to cover my paycheck.
$2500 – Expenses
$2500 – Taxes

What I Focused on in May

My number one focus in the first two weeks of May was completing the remainder of those 9 client projects I told you about in my April 2018 Income Report.

My number one focus the last few weeks of May was producing the new 5 Day Website Challenge.

That being said, here’s how much money I made in May 2018:

Income Breakdown

Passive Income:

Affiliate Income – Bluehost – $880.00
Affiliate Income – Elegant Themes – $133.50
Affiliate Income – ConvertKit – $81.60
5 Day Challenge Upgrade – $17.00
How to Start a Freelance Web Design Business Upgrade – $0.00
Serious Side Hustlers – $957.00
Individual Courses – $163.00
Web Designer Academy – $497.00
Websites That Make Money Beta – $691.00
WordPress Protection Package – $339.46
Passive Income Total: $3759.56

Time for Money Income:

Done For You Projects – $3294.80
Consulting – $2500
Time for Money Total: $5794.80

Total Income: $9554.36

Today’s pep talk is brought to you by Bluehost. Go to www.shannonmattern.com/bluehost and get 36 months of web hosting for just $2.95 a month. That’s less than one trip to Starbucks a month – and if you’re anything like me, you’re at Starbucks more than that!

Then you can sign up for my Free 5 Day Website Challenge at www.shannonmattern.com/5day and I’ll show you step by step how to get started building your new website for your side hustle.