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MailChimp, ConvertKit or Infusionsoft? Which is Right for Your Business?

One of the best – and worst – things about building is all the options available to entrepreneurs to build our businesses.

When I created the Free 5 Day Website Challenge two years ago, I decided to pick the simplest, cheapest tools out there to teach people how to get up and running with WordPress and list building FAST.

Part of my mission is to cut through the clutter of the literally thousands of different products, services and configurations out there to help you FOCUS and not get overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices and not get distracted by every shiny new service that pops up.

My thought process has been that if there’s a tool out there that gets the job done and it’s easy to use and it’s not super expensive, then it ain’t broke – and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right??

And that’s why I’ve kinda been ignoring ConvertKit for the past several months. Because I try to avoid shiny object syndrome and not divert you guys from the outcome – which is to build a site and build a list so you can MAKE SOME MONEY!

ConvertKit is an email marketing service that’s been getting a lot of buzz lately. Even my BFFs are telling me that they’ve abandoned MailChimp for it and LOVE it… and that it replaces Infusionsoft, which is a super-high powered email marketing, e-commerce and client management system on steroids that I use and absolutely LOVE.

So instead of being like a stubborn old man who wears the same pair of pants he had when he was thirty because they don’t have holes in them yet, I decided to get with the times and see whatConvertKit is all about, if it really is better than MailChimp, if it really can replace Infusionsoft like everyone says – and I made this video for you guys to share with you what I found.


So if you’re all about trying out this new tool, here’s my affiliate link – you’ll get ConvertKit at no additional cost to you and I’ll create some free education to help you take advantage of the power of ConvertKit + WordPress.

Here’s that code I promised you to slim down your email optin, and let me know in the comments what questions you have, and what you’d like to see more training on!

.page .ck_form.ck_naked {
margin: 0px auto !important;
max-width: 700px;

P.S. If you’re still not sure if ConvertKit is right for you, they’re having a free webinar on Tuesday, September 21- called “Connecting More By Doing Less: 8 Marketing Automations You Need Today”

Here’s what Nathan Barry from ConvertKit will teach in the webinar:

  • How to use simple automation tools and strategies that'll save you MULTIPLE hours each week
  • One simple trick to segment, teach, and pitch your customers automatically (and without coming across like a weird used car salesman)
  • Exclusive behind-the-scenes access to learn how to automate your sales funnels like Pat Flynn (in fact, Nathan is going to show you Pat's exact funnel).

I’m sure there will be a replay if you can’t attend live, so sign up!! I totally did and if I can make it on live I’ll say hi 🙂