Ep. 199: The #1 Key to Success in Any Business with Bernadette Doyle


Welcome to episode 199 of Pep Talks for Side Hustlers and part 2 of my conversation with online business expert Bernadette Doyle.

If you missed part 1, you can go back and listen to it – it’s episode 198 and it’s packed full of awesome advice to help you start getting traction in your business.

Today we dig into:

  • Why it’s time to STOP working on your website.
  • How to prioritize what you spend your time on.
  • Why working on your online course is NOT income-producing.
  • Why course correcting is the key to success in any business.
  • Why failure is so rewarding.
  • What a typical day looks like for Bernadette’s million-dollar business.
  • The one thing Bernadette does every single day.
  • Bernadette’s challenge to me on my goal to work less and why I shouldn’t wait to start working 25 hours a week.
  • The top 3 mistakes that Bernadette sees online business owners making.
  • The belief Bernadette changed about herself in order to grow a million dollar business.
  • The most important piece of advice Bernadette has for you to help you grow your side hustle.

And you can get a link to her Ultimate Guide to Online Profits at www.BernadetteDoyle.com – and I’ve linked that up in the show notes for you.

As I mentioned in the last episode, this conversation with Bernadette shifted something key in my mind.

Since I reached my initial goal of quitting my day job, I haven’t really set a new goal… I mean, I set short term monthly revenue goals, but I haven’t set a new long-term goal.

But what this conversation with Bernadette opened up for me is that, like, I’ve made all of the mistakes I’m supposed to have made so far in this journey, and I just keep correcting course.

And I keep correcting course. And I keep correcting course.

But where am I headed?

I haven’t said it out loud because I don’t think I’ve believed that it was possible for me. But after this conversation, I do think it’s possible, and I think that it’s possible because I keep making the mistakes I’m supposed to make and I keep correcting course. If I stop doing that, it won’t be possible… But I don’t see that happening any time soon…

And I also haven’t said it out loud because I don’t want to be judged for it, or be seen as greedy? (That’s some mindset work I need to do right there).

But long-term, I DO want to have a million-dollar business. There, I said it out loud.

And I DO want to work 25 hours a week and have it be a super-focused, super efficient 25 hours.

That I can do right now. In fact, I’ve got the Toggl timer open that Bernadette told me to get as I write the show notes for this episode.

But what I really want to leave you with today is that I want you to go out there and make as many mistakes as you can possibly make. Have some spectacular failures. And just keep course correcting. That’s what’s SUPPOSED to happen. That’s what’s going to lead you to all of the things that you want.

See you next time!

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:


Social Selling with Kelly Roach (Profit Exercise)


Bernadette’s Ultimate Guide to Online Profits

Business Smarts with Hearts Facebook Group


Bernadette Doyle is a transformational expert and the founder of the Online Profits University, an online school that teaches entrepreneurs how to create new income streams. Her entrepreneurial journey began at the age of 26 where she was successfully trading her time for money and found herself overwhelmed and constantly hustling despite how successful she was. After the birth of her first son, Bernadette found that her own success had become an anchor. As the demands on her time grew, suddenly she needed a team and to house and manage that team. Her previous business model was simply unsustainable.

Soon after, Bernadette fully switched to an online model and soon found herself freed of her constraints. By packaging her expertise into products and online programs and connecting with customers by teleconference and webinar, she doubled her income in her first year as a new mother, all with time to spend with her family. By 2008, Bernadette had generated a million dollars in online sales and even masterminded personally with Richard Branson, all with the free time to be a single mother to her two children.

Today’s pep talk is brought to you by Bluehost. Go to www.shannonmattern.com/bluehost and get 36 months of web hosting for just $2.95 a month. That’s less than one trip to Starbucks a month – and if you’re anything like me, you’re at Starbucks more than that! Then you can sign up for my Free 5 Day Website Challenge at www.shannonmattern.com/5day and I’ll show you step by step how to get started building your new website for your side hustle.