Ep. 308: Create a Social Platform with a Purpose with Kristen Boss

Kristen Boss headshot

Every day I hear from people who are struggling with social media. It’s overwhelming to them to think of having to be everywhere, they’re intimidated by it, or they can’t stand the thought of adding to the noise.

This is something I can totally relate to, which is why I’m so excited to have my guest Kristen Boss on the podcast today.

Kristen is a mindset and business coach who specializes in helping women build their influence and grow successful businesses that deeply align with their purpose.

Kristen is going to break down how to use social media in a strategic way. Her method eliminates the hustle and incorporates your most authentic self, which I love. I think you’re all going to love this episode, so let’s get started!

Kristen and I talk about:

  • The biggest missed opportunities that Kristen sees entrepreneurs make
  • The 5 essential things you need to have on a social media platform
  • Common mindset blocks that hold people back
  • How to be authentic in your business
  • Kristen’s advice for someone struggling to get traction in their side hustle
  • The belief Kristen had to change about herself to get where she is today

My favorite quotes from Kristen:

  • “People come online to shop, not to be sold to.”
  • “You have relational equity with key people and you need to be really targeting your people.”
  • “If you are an entrepreneur, you're a problem solver in the marketplace.”
  • “You don't have to get it right. Get it going.”
  • “You're going to get real clear, real fast when you start actually taking action.”
  • “You have to be able to evoke emotion from your reader in a way that says, Oh man, she gets me and she can solve my problems.”
  • “Where your focus goes, energy flows”
  • “Are you going to show up with the belief that I'm essential and what I offer is essential and I'm going to make it known and serve people really well.”
  • “Paying an expert is worth removing this pain that I'm experiencing to shortcut my success.”
  • “What if you can have massive success without hustling your butt off for it?”


Kristen is a mindset and business coach who specializes in helping women build their influence and grow successful businesses that deeply align with their purpose.

With nearly 15 years of experience working in service and marketing, she's pivoted from celebrity hairstylist to boutique owner, to business coach. With her experience of creating businesses from scratch, she is now helping other women tap into their highest self and true potential.

When she's not coaching, you can find Kristen wrangling her kids with her husband in Colorado.

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